Linda Baker - Spray Play

Raven haired hottie Linda Baker returns to WetandPuffy and looks seriously hot in her black lingerie and lace robe. This gorgeous girl teases and bends over to reveal her crotchless panties before she sits up and pulls down her bra. Linda spits on her nipples and makes them hard with her fingers, then moves down to her puffy pussy lips. Linda slips her fingers into her juicy hole and then sucks them clean. Moving onto a pussy pump, this insatiable babe places it over her labia and sucks it up into the tube while we catch the action in closeup. She feels so horny that she gets hold of a big flesh like dildo, shows off her blowjob skills and then squats to fuck herself, squirting in the process!

1 week ago

source: PornTrex




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